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Samantha Waterfield • Feb 15, 2024
Do we spend a lot of time in relationships

Do we spend a lot of time in relationships trying to make them work?  Actually, that is probably a sweeping question because maybe not everyone does that.  Maybe some people have got their relationships completely in balance and worked out?  What I have realised is that people spend a lot of time working on their relationships but little time working on themselves.  We seem to either endeavour to fix things externally or blame external factors for our problems and both of these will become endless and fruitless tasks.

When you work on yourself your energy changes and when your energy changes it has a knock on affect on absolutely everything in your life.  Painful things may come up, during this process, however that is okay because during the process of letting go you become lighter, happier, more free, liberated and abundant.  This is better than burying and holding on to the pain and heaviness as this can manifest into illness or addictive behaviour, bi-products of negative and painful emotions and thoughts that have not been processed and released.

Loving, nurturing and working on yourself are ongoing processes because you are clearing a lifetime or indeed lifetimes, if you believe in Samsara (reincarnation), of programming, negative events and influences, both internally and externally, however the rewards are immense, if you take time to love yourself in a pure non-egotistical way.

It seems that in many relationships we spend a lot of time trying to make the other person happy, doing things to please, sometimes even compromising our own lives in the pursuit of that happy ever after, or to encourage a partner, parent, sibling, friend to love us.  I am not saying that pleasing someone should never happen however we do need to spend an appropriate amount of time on nurturing our own souls.

I once listened to an interview with a Buddhist monk, who I felt hit the nail on the head.  She said that true love was loving someone enough to let them go.  You have to really love and be comfortable with yourself to be able to do that.  I interpreted this as not just letting them go completely but also loving them enough to let them be themselves, follow their own path, whether you perceive that to be good or bad.  Our lives are a beautiful voyage of trials and tribulations and we should be allowed to make our own 'mistakes' in order that we learn and discover our truth..

I could write about this for a long time, however I will leave you with an affirmation that I created, which has made a difference in my life: and helped with my self love journey:

I love and I am loved

I forgive and I am forgiven

I am worthy, I am worthy of love


Wishing you all a beautiful belated Valentin's Day

Give yourself the gift of your love.

Sending you much peace, joy, love and blessing today and for each day

Sam xx


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04 Jul, 2020
What an emotional roller coaster ride this year has been so far, and that is without the last month’s intense eclipse season adding to the recipe! We have been almightily pushed out of our comfort zone, into unknown territory. Illness, conditions and accidents should make us stop, rest and reflect, and reflection has certainly been the case for many over the last few months. Please look at these extremely challenging times as an opportunity to transform because that is what we should be doing. We should learn from the difficult experiences and embrace the good. This Capricorn Full Moon can highlight suppressed fears and emotions. Capricorn is an earth sign, which resonates with our Muladhara (Root) Chakra, the energy centre which is relative to our safety, security and earthly needs, our foundations. During this volatile time, our basic needs will be challenged, however draw on Capricorn’s resilience and determination to keep focused on your goals. Full moons are about manifesting the seeds of thought we have planted at previous New Moons and letting go of fear and negative patterns and behavior that do not serve us. Do not remain attached to that dogma. Coupled with the Luna Eclipse, which illuminates and accentuates our emotions, fear and anger, this could be a tricky time to navigate. Do not dwell on negativity and turn each situation into something positive. After all, what we focus on expands. We have a choice as to how we react, what we hold on to and how we want to be. Do not choose to be a victim. Choose to feel, but let go of any intense feelings and emotions. Ask for divine help to navigate through these difficult times and trust and have faith that you will be looked after. Always trust that whichever direction you head in, it is the correct one. There is no such thing as a mistake, failure or coincidence, everything is a learning experience for us to transform into greater and more beautiful experiences, so treat it as such. Do not sit in a negative quagmire. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, the planet which has the energy of authority, discipline, hard work, guilt, resistance and delay. Use these energies in a positive way. If you are a person who is constantly guilty, for instance, use the Full Moon’s energy to let that go. Use the retracting energy, in the days after the Full Moon, to sit quietly, reflect, meditate, go through what you are grateful for and as I said before, shed emotions, situations and relationships that do not serve you. I find affirmations extremely powerful for shifting negative energy. I chant daily ‘I love and I am loved, I forgive and I am forgiven, I am worthy, I am worthy of love, I am enough.’ I will leave you with the wonderfully wise words of Mahatma Gandhi – ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world.’ Start within yourself, do not expect other people to change. Wishing you much Full Moon love and blessings. Sam xxx The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
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